Name: Everette Taylor
Connect:,,, @Everette on Twitter, @EveretteTaylor on Instagram
Title: Chief Marketing Officer
Company: Sticker Mule
What They Do: In charge of all sales and marketing
Originally From: Richmond, VA (Southside)
College: Virginia Tech
Field of Study: Business Information Technology
Recommended Books: Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal & Ryan Hoover
Listen in to the interview:
A Few Notes From the Show:
- You want to Tweet this: You have to be a self-learner and self-motivator
- Everette has been marketing and selling since grade school; buying packs of gum and selling individual pieces
- Had a moment of “Am I wasting my degree?” so he took a job in IT…for about a week
- At 23yrs old Everette was asked to run marketing for Sean Ellis’ company
- Co-created
- We talk about the importance of finding a company with the right culture as an AA male
- His current role at Sticker Mule felt good to the soul.
- We talk about tech casual fashion and the pitfalls to avoid.
- Advises to be a self-learner and self-motivator
- Keep working on getting better at your craft
- Start building your brand and your network
- If you can’t be true to who you are in what you are doing; get out.
- Defines Growth Hacking as being a smart and creative data driven marketer.
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