Name: Adeea Rogers

Title: Social Media Manager and Marketing Specialist in Department of Student Involvement and Leadership | The Trendy Socialite, Founder of International Natural Hair Meet-up Day

Contact: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook Page | |

Company: East Carolina University

What They Do: Oversees student marketing area; houses 5 Graphic Designers and a couple of photographers which helps to promote the over 400 student organizations they have | Webinars, runs several FB groups centered around the natural hair community

Originally From: Greenville, NC

College: East Carolina University

Field of Study: Communication with a concentration in journalism and public relations | Certificate in professional and technical writing

Recommended Books: 

Listen in to the interview:

A Few Notes From the Show:

  • You want to Tweet this: 
  • Founder of International Natural Hair Meet-up Day.
  • I ask, “Is natural hair day just for black people? Listen to her school me.
  • Hear how @TrendySocialite started International Natural Hair Meet-up day so you can do the same for your movement.
  • Having the conversation about whether natural hair is a fad or here to stay.  Is it like the Jerri Curl.
  • Got the bug after going to the World Natural Hair Show in ATL. A conference inspired her.
  • Started her own events to kick it off.
  • Want to get something going?  Just do it.
  • Mentions Beginning with the end in mind and laying it all out.
  • Big on the GTD (Getting Things Done) method of productivity
  • Just take the next strategic action.
  • Everyday take one step towards that big dream
  • Caller question: Have you ever felt pressure to change your hair from natural for an interview or some kind of professional setting?  Ever felt intimidated having natural hair or worried about others being intimidated going into a situation?
  • You can change your hair without changing your texture.
  • Did receive some not so supportive response when changed her hair.
  • Did lose an opportunity because changed her hair to natural.  It hurt at first but then got a resolve.
  • Shares being a late bloomer.  You can always get back on the path.
  • Graduated college on her 30th birthday.  Out there representing the non-traditional student
  • Never Ever Give up.  You have to have tenacity.
  • You have to be a life long learner.
  • You are the only person responsible for your own growth and acquisition of knowledge.
  • The one thing that can’t be taken away from you is knowledge.
  • wise words from her grandmother, “You let folks run their mouth, you run your business.”
  • You can’t focus on what the people are saying but you can focus on what you are doing.
  • You have to bring your authentic self to every situation.
  • You have to get to know your environment and figure out how your authentic self can thrive and grow and also contribute in that type of environment.

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