Name: Bhavani Esapathi
Title: Digital Innovative Consultant, Speaker, Writer
Contact: @Bhaesa | | Chronically Driven
What They Do: Works with companies and institutions in the digital space.
Originally From: Bangalore, India
College / Field of Study: In India where she studied a number of subjects. Went on to earn her master’s in cultural studies in the UK.
Recommended Books:
- Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
Listen in to the interview:
A Few Notes From the Show:
- This interview will challenge the way you know things to work. Especially if you went to school in the U.S.
- Had to design her own working lifestyle based on several medical conditions.
- Works on her own time and isn’t tied to one organization.
- Did not go to school (and no she wasn’t home schooled) until she was 18 years old.
- You need to pass the state board examine to go to college so she got all the books to study.
- Thought she would just study for 3 months even though she has never been to school, pass the state board examine and then take university courses. She was naive enough to believe she could do it, which is probably why she did.
- As a teenager she didn’t know there was a particular order to the alphabet. She learned in an unconventional way.
- Did what she wanted to do and learned at her own pace.
- Didn’t go to school when young because was a stubborn child and because of her medical conditions.
- Talks about the time she did go to school for 1 day as a young child (kindergarten) and felt like she could do the work in 1hr and spend the other 7 exploring her curiosity and interest.
- spending time on her curiosity and interest would lead to understanding what she is passionate about.
- Gave up psychology because it was more focused on diagnosing people. She wanted to have more of a hand in helping people.
- In 2014 she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and was recommended that she doesn’t work. She thought long and hard about what she could do sense she could not go to an office.
- She had to figure out what made her happy so even if everything went wrong she wouldn’t be stressed.
- It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing. Think about what you want to be doing with your life / day and do it at least 1hr everyday. In 6 months you will be generating some kind of income from it.
- Stop listening to other people and stop looking for permission.
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