Name: Nate Nichols

Title: CEO

Contact: @TealOrbit, @TheNichols

Company: Teal Orbit & p//g 

What They Do: Digital Marketing

Originally From: Norwalk, CT. Heritage is Jamaican

College: The Art Institute of Philadelphia

Field of Study: Graphic Design

Recommended Books:

Listen in to the interview:

Or Watch the Blab Video Replay

A Few Notes From the Show:

  • He just bought 100% of the company the day before our interview.
  • Gets to choose the position he wants.
  • He brought the digital marketing experience to the company.
  • Was doing graphic design since he was 16 and web design when he was 19.
  • Learned how to manage relationships and how to streamline that process.
  • Self taught Graphic Design in high school.
  • Used Gimp back in the day.
  • Started by designing things that he saw.
  • His brother wanted to build a computer which gave him access to the web.
  • Connect with the community you need to be around and with the people you aspire to be like.
  • Spoke about One Month as a place to find a community and learn different skills.
  • There are times you have to “boss up” and there are times when you have to be humble.

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