Name: Daniel Narcisse
Title: Senior Quality Assurance Lead
Contact: @DanielKrepi
Company: Staples
What They Do: Testing applications
Originally From: Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
College: Fitchburg State University
Field of Study: Computer Information Systems
Recommended Books:
- The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
Listen in to the interview:
A Few Notes From the Show:
- Testing applications.
- Wear many hats: Project Management, Business Analyst, QA.
- I share my ignorance about what Staples does.
- Originally wanted to do computer science but took a business course and fell in love with it so did a hybrid degree.
- After college thought would be getting a desktop support job.
- First job out of college was a QA Analyst.
- Had 4 jobs, worked an average of 96 hours a week while going to school.
- Advice: Be aggressive, stand out.
- Do not hide.
- Once you are comfortable somewhere, leave.
- Has many interest which serves as renewal energy.
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