Name: Katina Grays
Title: Managing Director | Data & Operations
Contact: @KatinaGrays | Linkedin |
Company: KIPP NYC
What They Do: oversees data for KIPP NYC schools. Test scores, clients, etc. Managing building and making sure what is happening for the students are efficient.
Originally From: The Washington, D.C. area.
College: Law School at Cornell, Business School at Michigan
Field of Study: communications, political science / gender studies
Recommended Books:
- The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
Listen in to the interview:
A Few Notes From the Show:
- KIPP NYC is part of a national network of charter schools.
- Proud first generation college graduate in her family.
- Talks about taking 1 year of absence from college because her dad was sick. Thought it was going to be 1 year but ended up being 4 years before went back to college.
- While at Law School learned about corporate law. Didn’t know it existed.
- Talking about her summers foreshadowing what her career would be. Spent half her time doing
- I needed work with more meaning if I’m going to be fulfilled.
- Went to Habitat For Humanity as a lawyer and came out in Operations.
- We talk about the Broad Fellowship.
- Can change careers as long as it aligns with where you want to go at that time.
- Good discussion about what public education is for.
- Be open to what others around you are helping you to see.
- Talk to people.
- Where you are today is not determinative of where you will go.
- You determine your own path.
- You get to choose your own path. You don’t always know what you want, but you get to choose.
- She can’t be happy in a job that doesn’t have meaning.
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