Name: Jason Whiteman
Title: Financial Advisor | Speaker | Author
Contact: Facebook
What They Do: Help people, empowerment
Originally From: London, England
College: Utica College of Syracuse University
Field of Study: Public Accounting
Recommended Books:
- The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey
Listen in to the interview:
A Few Notes From the Show:
- People will like you because you like you.
- Where you are is all you need.
- One of his passions is empowering people.
- Staying inside of a field and learning it well.
- Became a speaker because of his positive energy.
- He was open to opportunity.
- The only reason they asked you to do something is because they believe in you.
- Wish was told, “Don’t be afraid of Change.”
- Don’t be afraid to change to be happy.
- Failure is a prerequisite for success.
- Talks about the ABC’s: Aim high, Believe in yourself, Correct mistakes
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