Name: Trudy Bourgeois
Title: Founder
Company: The Center For Workforce Excellence
What They Do: Leadership development company. Focused on women and people of color
Originally From: Mobile, AL
College: Loyola University
Field of Study: Business
Recommended Books:
- Her Corner Office by Trudy Bourgeois
- The Power of the Spoken Word by Florence Scovel Shinn
Listen to the interview:
A Few Notes From the Show:
- She is a subject matter expert on unleashing talent.
- Not enough to be committed to success. You have to build models and muscles.
- All about making people around her better.
- Whatever you learn, teach someone.
- Business is all about relationships.
- Relationships are about how things get done.
- Should be hanging with people who are doing 10 x the amount of what we are doing.
- Her 5,5,5 theory: 5 people inside of your org. If the org was in trouble, these 5 people would take their equity to make something happen for you; 5 people externally who are in mover / shaker positions that know you and know your value and are willing to open doors for you. 5 people internationally.
- Build capabilities. If you don’t know your value you can’t go very far.
- Don’t be afraid to fail.
- Get really good at something and a brand reputation.
- Have a personal branding strategy. People are drawn and attracted to successful people.
- know what you want.
- Everyday look for the small opportunity to uplift someone.
- You can unleash talent in the next person you meet. Can do it every single day.
- Are you expecting something good to happen today?
- Dream big and don’t let anyone steal your dreams.
- Enjoy the journey.
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