Name: Early Jackson / Twitter: @Mr_Empowerment Latest project: FB Page, Web
Title: Life coach and transition specialist
Company: New Direction Coaching Associates
What They Do: Change cultures
Originally From: Norfolk, VA. Grew up in Philly
College: Military, University of Phoenix
Field of Study: Business Management
Recommended Books: Rules For Revolutionaries by Guy Kawasaki
Listen in to the interview:
A Few Notes From the Show:
- You want to Tweet this: If you are poor employee at someones place of business you are going to make a piss poor boss as well
- Knew what his gift was early on.
- Advice – get a strong enough why? Really understand what we are supposed to do. When you know why, you discover what. why do you do what you do.
- No one is going to invest in you until you do.
- You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you hustle for.
- Unspoken wisdom – effort is going to beat out raw talent every time.
- Experience is an expensive teacher.
- Too many people stumbling in the dark. On a mission to turn on the light.
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